Welcome to
Pennington Veterinary Care Center
Your Pet's Health is in Good Hands.
Hours of Operation
Come Visit Us
Mon: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Tue: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Wed: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Thu: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Veterinary Diagnostic Labs
Making sure your friend receives all appropriate treatment and services is vital to their overall health and happiness. We provide diagnostic labs for all of our patients in order to make sure your pet gets to live the happy and healthy life they deserve. Majority of our lab work is done in-house so you get results quickly.
Pet Wellness Exams
Even when your pet is healthy, wellness exams are vital. When treated early, there are issues that can be quickly solved, which is why we’re committed to practicing preventative care at our office.

Dental Health
Dental disease can result in bad breath, painful chewing, and tooth loss. Bacteria under the gum can travel to the heart, kidneys, and liver. A professional dental cleaning is required to remove plaque and tartar from a pet's teeth and to assess the health of the mouth.

Laser Therapy
Learn about how Laser Therapy can help your pet!

Low-level laser therapy is a form of phototherapy used to stimulate tissue repair and helps with pain management. The treatment is non-invasive, it uses a infrared light to stimulate tissue at and below the surface of your pet’s skin.
Increase production of cellular energy. Cells seek their energy in the form of food molecules or sunlight; this is why laser therapy aids in cellular energy.
Promote cellular regeneration which is renewal, restoration and growth of cells.
Vascular dilation is when blood vessels dilate, the flow of blood is increased due to a decrease in vascular resistance.
Increase production of collagen—Collagen is a protein and the building material to renew cells in all areas of the body.
Helps promote the production of the bodies natural pain relievers.
Laser therapy can be used to treat different types of pain:
Acute pain—Pain that comes on suddenly as a result of:
Chronic pain—Pain that is long lasting and usually develops slowly (such as arthritis)

Meet Our Team...
Contact Us
116 Titus Mill Rd, Pennington, NJ 08534
(609) 818-1200